In Babanki, like in the rest of Cameroon and in most of Africa, children are deprived of the right to learn in their own language. When they start school, children are forced to learn in the language of the colonial master. Most of them either perform poorly or simply drop out and only a few make it to higher levels of education. In Cameroon there are more than 250 local languages but the government promotes the use of English and French as languages of education.
Unfortunately, learning cannot be effective in a language that is not well known to the learner, leading to underdevelopment and poverty of this west African country. Learning to think or create are tasks that can best happen if done in a familiar language.
In 2017 we began constructing the building where the Nursery and Primary Schools were started. Here Babanki children are able to begin learning in their home language while English is taught as a school subject. From their third year of school, roles will shift and English will become the language of instruction while Babanki will still be used occasionally in class for explanations by the teachers. Other languages may be introduced as school subjects.
PHASE 1: 2017-2018
Total Phase 1= $90,000
PHASE 2: To be done
Total Phase 2= $130,000
We believe that this kind of bilingual education will help Babanki children to learn better and faster. In this school, we also envisage to help children develop critical thinking skills that will enable them to be creative in order to become job makers in the future.
What we have done
Raised $65,000 from personal savings and donations from donors in Japan
Europe and the US;
Significantly advanced work on the building with six classrooms
Built community Support;
Prepared literacy materials (e.g., Babanki-English Lexicon, Grammar, Reading and writing book).
Future plans
Writing more literacy materials for the school.
Running teacher training course
Completing and equipping the building
Installing solar energy panels
Preparing playgrounds
Why donate?
Your donation goes directly to the school as there are no administrative costs,
You will be part of a movement in Africa to modernize education and change lives in this and future generations,
You can see exactly what your money is used for and who benefits directly,
You can be sure your donation will be properly managed and that you will receive updates regularly,
And finally, you can visit Cameroon to see for yourself the impact your donation is having on the beneficiaries.